Key details

Rahesh Ram
Programme Lead for Technology: Masters & BA Architecture
- Qualified as an architect since 1998 practice
- Set up a practice on 2005
- Teaching at 樱花影视 since 2005
- Taught Design 1st, 2nd and 3rd year (10 years) and currently teaching Masters (Five Year)
- Coordinated Technology 1st, 2nd and 3rd (10 years) and currently coordinating Technology at Masters Level. (Seven Year)
- Taught Master’s Thesis 2019
- Architecture Management Team from 2019
- School of Design Management Team from 2019
- Employability Lead for School of Design 2019
Student prizes won under his tutelage:
- Commendation for the RIBA Bronze Medal
- RIBA Sergeants Drawing Prize
- Runner Up South East RIBA Region Drawing Prize
- Worshipful Company of Architects Drawing Prize
Other points to note:
Currently undertaking PhD: Arabian Nights/Fiction and Architecture.
House of Many Cultures: The Others’ Story Exhibition - He conceived the exhibition and co-curated the exhibition in October 2021
Responsibilities within the university
- Architecture Management Group
- School Design Management Team
- Programme Lead for Technology BA + Masters
- Employability Lead for School of Design
- Masters Design Tutors
- Masters Technology Coordinator
- Architecture Registration Board
- Editorial Board of Environmental Psychology (specialty section of Frontiers in Psychology) as a Review Editor
- On the Board of Academic Advisors at African Futures Institute
- Attend Standing Conference of Heads of Schools of Architecture (SCHOSA) Meetings as Part of the Architecture Management Group
Research / Scholarly interests
- Speculative and Experimental Architectural Design
- Fiction as an Architectural Practice
- Narratives in Architecture
- Architecture & Architectural Technology
Media activity
- House of Many Cultures: The Others’ Story Exhibition Oct.2021 was featured on MANOTOM PLUS TV
Recent publications
- Architecture, Fiction and Thought Experiments for EAEA15 Conference to be published 2021
- Conjuring Up the Jinni, R.Ram. AIS Architecture Image Studies, Scientific Journal. Vol. 1 Issue 2, Narrative Architecture 2020.
- Architecture, Fiction and Thought Experiments. EAEA15 Conference, Envisioning Architectural Narratives.2021. University of Huddersfield